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Bryanston School climbing wall fundraiser.jpeg

Bryanston School, Dorset, UK

Climbing fundraiser

As with any philanthropic partnership dedicated to helping others, making people in your community aware of those we wish to help is the first step.


When students who have studied the United Nations’ SDGs, grasped the challenges of the world’s Out-of-School-Children, and seen the impact United World Schools has on improving lives, a true partnership can begin. 


Over 100 UWS Partner Schools worldwide have raised funds year-after-year to allow UWS to build and operate schools where no schools existed before. The Fundraising Resources help students understand the power funding has in the regions where we work. Using entrepreneurial ideas sparked by our Fundraising Toolkits, students plan and initiate creative ways to support the work of UWS. 

After downloading Fundraising Resources for your students, please explore other lesson plans and case studies.

Global Citizenship

How can my school fundraise for a UWS School?

Fifth graders at ISY participate in a classic — the ice bucket challenge.



Funds a free education for one child for one full school year


Purchases a Classroom Library


Funds a free education for 10 children for one full school year


Trains and employs a new teacher from the community for a school year


Funds the operation of a community school for one year

$25,000 – $45,000

Builds a new school in a community for the first time (Costs vary by school size)

Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School in New Mexico performing on stage as a fundraiser for a UWS school in Nepal.

Nepal school director thanking Cottonwood for doing the fundraiser and changing the lives of female students, giving them aspirations for their futures.

Downloadable Fundraising Resources in the US
Downloadable Fundraising Resources in the UK
Contact Us

Please contact us to learn more about how your students can get involved in helping us build new schools and deliver free, inclusive education to children living in marginalized communities around the world.



45 L Street, SW

Box 70327

Washington DC 20024

Interested in becoming a Partner School? Reach out! We’d like to connect with you.

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Please join us and donate to help educate and change children's futures from a world they have to a world they deserve.

We accept donations through DonorBox.

Please use the form to make your donation.

Thank you for supporting our mission to improve the lives of entire communities through education.

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